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God Is Able part 3 The POWER

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2018 2:09 am
by shalom-dodi
Song: There is Power This is an old old hymn

Prayer: Oh God thank you for this day and for your love for us all. Be with us in our areas of need. Help us to rest secure in your love and just simply “be” with you for this next hour. In Jesus name, amen.

We have been talking about how ABLE God is to meet our every need. Tonight we are going to use an internet source as a jumping off point to :Learn How To Enjoy His Power

According to the author, the secret of releasing God’s power lies in three basic principles.

The first was revealed to King Asa of Judah during a time when he was displeasing the Lord by relying on human treaties rather than on the power of the living God.
A prophet said to him, “For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward Him” (2 Chronicles 16:9 KJV).

Or some versions say “steadfast” or turned toward him.

God is actually looking for people He can help, people for whom and through whom He can release His power.
Dodi Note: Isnt that NEAT????

But there is a condition: He wants our hearts to be wholly His, our allegiance to Him to be undivided.

In other words, He wants us to be yielded to Him, to desire His will more than our own will.

If he is going to supply us with His power, He wants to be sure we will use it for His glory.

Some of us may be so weak and fearful and powerless because God cannot trust us with His power. We would take the credit for ourselves. When we yield our wills to Him we are ready to experience His power.

Dodi Note: Wow…. so trying to get what we want, when we want, because we want it and in the way we want it… well that just probably won’t work so well. Or as this author implied, could even prevent us from receiveing what GOD desires to bless us with.
Sobering thought, isn’t it?

The second key to enjoying God’s power was revealed by the prophet Isaiah to a nation that desperately needed it. Israel was a midget surrounded by giants who were ready to pounce on her. Isaiah sought to encourage the nation by devoting an entire chapter of his book to the greatness of God in contrast to the weakness of men (Isaiah 40).

But the nation was saying, just as we often say, “If God is so great and powerful, why doesn’t He help us?” That is exactly what He wants to do.

Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth Does not become weary or tired. His understanding is inscrutable. He gives strength to the weary, And to him who lacks might He increases power (Isaiah 40:28-29).
Dodi NOTE: I LOVE LOVE LOVE that verse reminder, don’t you?

Well then, how can we get His power? Isaiah is careful to tell us.
Though youths grow weary and tired, And vigorous young men stumble badly, Yet those who wait for the LORD Will gain new strength; They will mount up with wings like eagles, They will run and not get tired, They will walk and not become weary (Isaiah 40:30-31).

To wait for God is to keep on prayerfully and patiently looking to Him.
Dodi Note: It is not to fix it ourselves :)

Some of us may be so weak and fearful and powerless because we are not consistently looking to God for His power.

We connive, scheme, pull strings, and manipulate people to work out our problems and meet our needs rather than look to the Lord.

Dodi Note: Been there at one time and hope NEVER go back. That is a frustrating way to live. Very.

Second Dodi Note: I awoke the other day thinking about the flip side of conniving, scheming etc. That is to be the receipent of such behavior. Or another way to think of it, is to MAKE someone your scapegoat or LET someone make you be their scapegoat.

Have you ever thought about that?

The word 'scapegoat' is an English translation of the Hebrew azazel (Hebrew: עזאזל) which occurs in Leviticus 16:8. ... This reading is supported by the Greek Old Testament translation as "the sender away (of sins)". "And Aaron shall cast lots over the two goats, one lot for the Lord and the other lot for Azazel."

When we are hurt, and hurt usually or often manifests as angry, we need something to “blame”.
Some way to rationalize and explain and make it go away.

That is a normal human flesh response to things we dont understand or like.
But is that the BEST response?
Blaming others instead of asking God to heal our own wounds is scapegoating them.
Letting others point their fingers at us and make us the scapegoat is just as unecessary and dishonors God too.

First it negates his healing heart toward us in both instances. God cant heal what we are not willing or able to face in ourselves. And if we allow others to constantly or consistently project their “stuff” on us without either asking Jesus to wash it off, or simply refusing to accept/believe it is who we are…then we have in a sense made God inadequate.

I will give you an example. One of my old long term beliefs was that I had almost zero worth. No one could possibly want to be with me unless I was of use to them in some way. God was healing me from that.

We, you and I have vast instrinic value just because we are. We were after all, created by God, in God’s image for a good purpose. Right?

So I was learning, this was a long long time ago. In town I had a ministry appointment to receive ministry. The lady was late, later and after almost an hour I went home. At first the “old” arose. “See? You dont matter. You are not important to her, etc etc” But the HS quickly said, “wait… wait… she may have forgotten to write it down, you may have written it down wrong, she could have had an emergency. You are loved, spend the drive home listening to music and let my love calm you.” Right now I dont remember the reason. But I never forgot the lesson.
I did not get angry at her. I did not “scapegoat” myself with all those old messages. Instead I went to God.

GOD never intended us to allow that, accept that or receive being a scapegoat. Or to make another or a situation an excuse for poor behavior or choices on our part.

Besides that… all of the old sacrificial systems ended when Jesus fulfilled them. Including the need for “scapegoats”.

We dont need to, as the author said, connive, scheme, pull strings, and manipulate people to work out our problems and meet our needs rather than look to the Lord.

Each of us has ALL we need, in Messiah and because of Messiah to LIVE a full rich abundant life. Much better that making scapegoats isnt it?
I bet the goats are glad too… ha ha.

Back to the author:
God says, “I want to use my omnipotence on your behalf. Just ask Me, just look to Me rather than to yourself or to others.” When we focus our attention on the Lord, rather than on our circumstances or on human solutions, we are ready to experience His power.

Dodi Note: Big AMENS?

There is a third key. God’s power is always released on our behalf through faith, an unmistakable principle found throughout Scripture.

There is little hope of enjoying God’s power when we do not expect Him to release it, or if we are not sure that He can or will release it, or if we are not trusting Him to release it.

A needy man in Jesus’ day had to learn that lesson. His son was hopelessly possessed by a vile demon which had nearly destroyed him. He brought the boy to Jesus’ disciples to be delivered, but it turned out to be another frustrating dead-end for him. He was about to give up when Jesus arrived on the scene. This was his last ray of hope. He pleaded, “But if You can do anything, take pity on us and help us!”

Listen to Jesus’ answer; it is the pivotal issue to enjoying God’s power: “If You can? All things are possible to him who believes” (Mark 9:23).

The man cried out, “I do believe; help my unbelief” (verse 24).

It was an honest admission that his faith was weak but a sincere request for the Saviour to strengthen it. That was all Christ asked. He spoke a word and the omnipotence of God was released, delivering the boy from demonic power.

Dodi Note: Love it??? GOD we DO believe, help our unbelief!!!! Is that the prayer of your heart? It is of mine.

God is able! There is no deficiency in His power. The deficiency may be in our faith. Believe that He can do what needs to be done in your life. Expect Him to answer, then watch for Him to do it. He may work in totally unexpected ways, but He will work with supernatural power.

At this very moment He is looking for people through whom He can demonstrate that power. Why not let it be you?

Action Point:
List some problems in your life that seem to be impossible to solve. Now meet the conditions for enjoying God’s power: Yield your will fully to Him; Commit the problems to Him in prayer regularly; Believe that He will solve them in His own perfect way.

Before we go…. I want to share a quote from a Bible Study I am doing. It is based on The Clean Heart Challenge by Revelation Wellness…. this is the last week and it is all about obeidence. But she tells us what the Holy Spirit will and wont do and I wanted to share it with you… Remember the POWER of God is the SPIRIT of GOD and we all have access to it… right?

The Holy Spirit gives us access to our new way of life—and is our new way of life.
The Holy Spirit:
•Leads us to live with more love, joy, peace, patience kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control.

•Is the power to live according to God’s purposes and plans, which are immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine for ourselves.

•Is the power to heal, restore, transform, and set us and others free.

•Reveals to us the hidden things of God.

•Teaches us.

•Comforts us.

•Counsels us.

•Fights for us.

•Is the presence and power of God resting upon us.

•Conforms us more and more into the likeness of Christ.
The Holy Spirit does not:
•Tear down others.
•Sit back in passivity.
From Clean heart challenge.

Father God, thank you for your love. Thank you that Jesus took ALL our sin, our sorrow, even death upon Himself on that cross. Thank you that in You we are FREE. We dont need to understand, we need only to believe (in You) and receive. Thank you for each and every person here. Be with us and those we love this week and help us to REST in who we are in you. In Jesus name, amen.

Re: God Is Able part 3 The POWER

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2018 2:47 am
by shadowlou

Re: God Is Able part 3 The POWER

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2018 2:25 pm
by shalom-dodi
Shadowlou glad you were able to read it, sorry about your internet.
YES, isnt it so comforting to remember we can say as that father did, I believe, help my unbelief? And Jesus hears and responds.
Blessings to you!